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Thursday 8 November 2012

Going green with grey water

Conventional toilet flush water is mains supplied water unnecessarily treated to drinking water quality standard, ana expensive and energy intensive process. Greywater recycling is an innovative alternative whereby treated greywater is used principally for toilet flushing (which represents about a third of water use in a typical UK household) but also for watering gardens.
Greywater is wastewater from showers, baths, wash basins, washing machines and kitchen sinks although for recycling purposes kitchen sink and washing machine water is normally excluded because it is too greasy and/or contains too many.

clip_image005[6] Unlike rainwater, greywater requires filtration to remove hair, skin and soap products from the water and chemical or biological treatment prior to reuse. The potential level of human contact with the water in its end use will determine what level of treatment is required. For example greywater used for hosing down vehicles will require a high water quality because the risk of human contact with the water is greater in highly pressurised systems. There are advantages of implementing a residential greywater system in your home. is peace of mind. Peace of mind knowing that you are lessening your footprint on this planet by using less water, and reducing the amount of water being municipally treated. In an ideal world, all greywater would be either used again as in irrigation of plantings , or it would be sent to a separate treatment facility separate from blackwater. There is no need to treat greywater the same as blackwater.
Australian-owned Nubian Water Systems recently launched the OASIS clip_image007[6]Domestic Greywater Treatment System (GT600), a practical and affordable urban water conservation solution generating a saving of almost 400 litres of drinking water a day for the average 4 person household. OASIS takes the greywater generated by baths, showers, laundry and hand basins and treats it to
A high quality suitable for garden irrigation, toilet flushing, clothes washing and car washing. The compact, above-ground design of the OASIS GT600 is ideal for urban housing. No excavations are necessary and the entire system can be up and running within 24 hours of delivery.

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