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KMA-DC EGYPT engineers and consultants specialists in District Cooling ,HVAC, Plumbing , Fire fighting , High Current , Low Current , central Kitchen and Laundry services , Cold Stores ,Meat processing facility, Garbage system and BMS, We cover a wide range of sectors, including; education, health, research, commercial, industrial and leisure. We also carry out feasibility studies and value engineering.

Leaders in mep design and engineering works during 20 years

During 20 years ,KMA DC EGYPT members have built a well-earned reputation for offering the finest-quality plumbing, HVAC, refrigeration,fire fighting and electrical design and engineering works in the industry across Egypt,Saudi Arabia,Qatar,UAE contributing to many prestigious projects shaping our lives today.

District cooling is an essential utility for sustainable economic and urban development.

District cooling is the production and distribution of chilled water from a central source to facilitate air conditioning. This is done by producing chilled water at a central plant and then piping the water to customers through an underground insulated pipes network.

Various Interpretations of BIM

BIM is certainly not only a technical story. BIM typically gives quite a change in the way of working (together). A rethinking is also needed with respect to the associated work processes, education needs, the way information is shared and updated, the use of software, more about BIM

Viessmann - Your solution provider for boilers and renewable energy

Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co KG, Germany is one of the leading international manufacturers in heating and renewable energy sector,delivering comprehensive products and solutions for the HVAC industry. Viessmann Middle East FZE is wholly owned subsidiary of Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co KG, Germany. Our comprehensive product range consists of advanced heating systems for every type of fuel, i.e., oil, gas, solar, bio-fuel and natural heat and for every

Thursday 16 May 2013

Leaders in mep design and engineering works during 20 years

During 20 years ,KMA-DC Egypt members have built a well-earned reputation for offering the finest-quality plumbing, HVAC, refrigeration,fire fighting and electrical design and engineering works in the industry across Egypt,Saudi Arabia,Qatar,UAE contributing to many prestigious projects shaping our lives today, involved in High engineering aspects for Hotels, offices buildings , administrations buildings, colleges ,Hospitals ,Universities ,…….etc

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Is your Boiler a Condencing Boiler

An essential question to ask when picking a boiler is my boiler is condensing Boiler , Condensing boilers are much more energy efficient than conventional boilers which means switching to a condensing boiler can significantly lower your fuel bills.
Today, using a condensing boiler in new buildings is almost the standard, because boiler and heating system can be perfectly matched right from the start. A condensing boiler brings the most benefit when it is installed in heating systems with low system temperatures. Condensing technology can save up to 30 percent of heating costs, even
Gas Condencing Boiler 
in modernisation projects.

The Vitocrossal 300 gas condensing Boiler from Viessmann is the right solution for any application – including providing heating in apartment blocks, as well as in public and
commercial buildings.

Condensing boilers recover waste heat that would normally be lost through the flue. Condensing boilers are able to do this because they have a much larger and more efficient heat exchanger than those found in traditional boilers; this maximises the amount of usable heat produced by the burner.

A heat exchanger enables the transfer of heat from one source to another over a solid surface, in a condensing boiler this includes heat from the flue gases which is used to heat water that is returning to the boiler from radiators.

Because the flue gases are not as hot as those in a non-condensing boiler, a condensing boiler needs a different type of flue. In a traditional boiler the high temperatures cause the flue gases to rise in the same way as smoke does through a chimney. A modern balanced flue has 2 pipes, one inside the other. One pipe draws in air from the outside to aid combustion, and the other dispels the gases.

A condensing boiler has a much shorter flue than a non-condensing model, which means that it is often best to site a condensing boiler against an outside wall. It is worth noting that because condensing boiler flue gases are not as hot, they do not rise as quickly which means that the plume from the flue can be a nuisance if it is expelled across a pathway or access point.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Infinite Solar Energy Reserves

The global energy situation is characterized By finite natural gas and mineral oil reserves, simultaneously increasing consumption and drastically rising prices. Furthermore, ever increasing CO emissions are heating up the atmosphere, leading to dangerous climate change. This forces us to handle energy
Responsibly. We need greater efficiency and an increase in the use of renewable. The heating sector is the largest consumer of energy. It can therefore make a major contribution towards essential energy.
Savings and CO reduction through the use of innovative and efficient heating technology. The comprehensive product range from Viessmann includes system solutions for every type of energy that keep the use of resources for reliable and convenient heat provision to a minimum and protect the environment through a reduction of CO emissions. Whether with a condensing boiler for oil or gas, with a pellet  boiler or heat pump – the ideal supplement to every heat source is a solar thermal system for DHW heating and central heating backup.A solar thermal system can provide approx. 60% of the energy required each year for heating domestic hot water. Solar thermal systems that can also provide central heating backup reduce energy costs further still. Such systems can save up to 35% of the annual costs for DHW and central heating. The integration of solar thermal systems requires precisely matched individual components to achieve optimum heat yield and to keep costs under control. This must be Supported by the right system engineering.

Viessmann began the development and manufacture of powerful systems for the utilization of solar energy more than 30 years ago, and can therefore call on extensive experience.

The energy of the sun can be utilised actively or passively. With passive utilisation of solar energy, radiation is utilised directly (e.g. windows, conservatory), in other words without technical aids.
Various technologies are available for active utilization of solar energy. Apart from generating heat (solar heating), the sun can also be used to generate power (photovoltaic). One principle of the thermal utilization of solar energy is the level of insolation that is available on Earth. This depends on the season, location and the utilization area.
The collector (Latin: collegere = to collect) is the essential component required for the utilisation of insolation. In this section it is shown with its essential parameters. By connecting various additional components, a solar thermal system can be created that can be operated in different modes.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

How Biological Treatment Works

Biological growth
Biological growth, similar to that found in percolating filters, grows on the discs' surfaces. An aerobic, freely circulating bio-mass is found in the rotor basins, which contributes to the biological treatment of the wastewater.
Bio-degradable organic wastes are therefore being treated by both the intermittently submerged bio-mass growing on the discs, and the suspended bio-mass present in the basin.

The rotating motion of the rotor discs create turbulence in the basin, keeping the free biomass aerated and in constant suspension until it eventually leaves with the treated effluent for secondary settling in the Clarifier (Humus Settling Tank).

Oxidation, Generation and De-generation of Biological Growth
The oxygen required for the oxidation process is absorbed through the wet upper surfaces of the bio-mass growing on the discs while it is passing through the atmosphere.
Full oxygen absorption is immediately achieved due to the large contact area of the disc surfaces and the oxygen freely available in the atmosphere above the plant.

The continuous absorption of oxygen by the bio-mass allows the oxygen to penetrate effectively to the deepest parts of the bio-mass, mainly by diffusion. The immediate submersion of the rotating, oxygen saturated bio-mass causes part of the absorbed oxygen to be transferred to the suspended bio-mass in the basin. Therefore, the absorption of oxygen into the process is not through direct absorption of air by the wastewater, but rather almost exclusively through the absorption of oxygen on the wet surfaces of the bio-mass growing on the disc.

The oxygen absorption is so effective that despite the fact the oxygen is absorbed by both the disc bio-mass growth and by those suspended in the basin, over 2mg/L of oxygen is still present in the liquid leaving the Rotating Disc stage.

Since the waste substances present in the liquid are constantly converted into harmless substances, all bio-mass within the rotor unit is continually increasing. The excess bio-mass is automatically removed from the Rotating Disc stage by the flow of the wastewater through the plant.
Sludge thus produced is removed from the treated effluent by further settling in the Clarifier, which directly follows the Rotating Disc stage.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Boiler Ready Exhaust Solutions

The quality exhaust systems you need, provided with speed and accuracy

When you select an exhaust solution from Cleaver-Brooks, you’re integrating the latest engineering and technology in gas venting. Our exhaust solutions allow you to have the greatest possible efficiency whether you have a Cleaver-Brooks system, another manufacturer’s, or components from multiple manufacturers. We know that timely and accurate design and fabrication are paramount concerns to our customers. That’s why we engineer and produce our exhaust systems to exacting standards quickly and efficiently. Because we use the latest technology and techniques in research and development, quality control, and manufacturing, you reap the benefit of this state-of-the-art approach with faster quotes, faster design, and faster installation.
Cleaver-Brooks installation-ready boiler exhaust systems are more than the sum of their interchangeable male and female parts. They are complete solutions that provide the latest technology to enhance the performance of your boiler. Our CBI insulated exhaust systems are perfect for venting gases from liquid, oil, or solid fuel-fire boilers. Ranging from 6 to 48 inches in diameter, they are ideal for industrial and commercial applications.

•  Exclusive, male/female jointing system eliminates the need for adapters, reducing installation time by up to 40%
•  State-of-the-art laser cut and welded joints provide  accurate fit and adherence to specifications
•  Stainless steel material provides superior protection from corrosion and staining, and increases exhaust lifespan
•  A full range of accessories ensures your exhaust system is customized for your application
•  UL/ULc listed

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Next-generation condensing tankless technology is here.

It simplifies tankless and offers a better hot water experience.

The NPE Navien Premium Condensing Gas Tankless Water Heater is a retrofit solution that eliminates the tankless obstacles of the past, making it an ideal choice for tank replacements. And “tankless made simple” doesn’t stop there. Our comprehensive training, tools and support back you every step of the way – ensuring smooth installation and years of carefree convenience.

The new NPE Series greatly reduces time and labor for a typical tankless retrofit by utilizing existing gas lines and existing flue chases.  In fact, this new technology allows installation time to be reduced by half compared to other tankless water heaters.  All these technical advances make the Navien NPE tankless series ideal for tank water heater replacement.

Navien Condensing Technology: Efficient, sustainable and easy for you. 

 About Navien America, Inc.
Navien America, Inc., is the recognized leader in Condensing Tankless Technology and Combination Gas Boilers. The company was established to open new markets in the United States and Canada for parent company KD Navien. Navien America takes pride in providing high-quality and innovative products that are environmentally friendly, energy efficient, and offer high-tech comfort and convenience to its customers—products it describes as “the ultimate in energy efficiency with high-tech comfort.” Navien America is an official ENERGY STAR® partner of the Residential Water Heater Program. Navien products are available in the United States and Canada through a network of distributors. For more information or to locate a distributor, visit

Thursday 8 November 2012

Going green with grey water

Conventional toilet flush water is mains supplied water unnecessarily treated to drinking water quality standard, ana expensive and energy intensive process. Greywater recycling is an innovative alternative whereby treated greywater is used principally for toilet flushing (which represents about a third of water use in a typical UK household) but also for watering gardens.
Greywater is wastewater from showers, baths, wash basins, washing machines and kitchen sinks although for recycling purposes kitchen sink and washing machine water is normally excluded because it is too greasy and/or contains too many.

clip_image005[6] Unlike rainwater, greywater requires filtration to remove hair, skin and soap products from the water and chemical or biological treatment prior to reuse. The potential level of human contact with the water in its end use will determine what level of treatment is required. For example greywater used for hosing down vehicles will require a high water quality because the risk of human contact with the water is greater in highly pressurised systems. There are advantages of implementing a residential greywater system in your home. is peace of mind. Peace of mind knowing that you are lessening your footprint on this planet by using less water, and reducing the amount of water being municipally treated. In an ideal world, all greywater would be either used again as in irrigation of plantings , or it would be sent to a separate treatment facility separate from blackwater. There is no need to treat greywater the same as blackwater.
Australian-owned Nubian Water Systems recently launched the OASIS clip_image007[6]Domestic Greywater Treatment System (GT600), a practical and affordable urban water conservation solution generating a saving of almost 400 litres of drinking water a day for the average 4 person household. OASIS takes the greywater generated by baths, showers, laundry and hand basins and treats it to
A high quality suitable for garden irrigation, toilet flushing, clothes washing and car washing. The compact, above-ground design of the OASIS GT600 is ideal for urban housing. No excavations are necessary and the entire system can be up and running within 24 hours of delivery.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Are You happy in Hot kitchen ? Ventilation is impaortant for kitchens

Hot kitchens are not pleasant to work in and can result in matching emotions. Running around working in a kitchen that is too hot is even worse and does not help with work productivity. Workers in commercial kitchens are also under stress to cook foods for customers within a certain time frame, potentially raising blood pressures and body heat from that tension.
But good ventilation and extraction systems in a kitchen help diffuse rising temperatures in the body and the kitchen. Work productivity is increased, and the potential for error and danger are reduced as cooler minds and temperatures prevail.

Also when installing a kitchen ventilation solution there are many hazards that need designing around, such as fire risk, dangerous fumes and odour nuisance.
It makes sense to choose a specialist who has the experience to make your life easier.

Specialists should have well Knowledge and sharpened experience about kitchen exhaust systems